- United States: United States: Registered by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) (Registration No. 3482166 on 5-Aug-2008, Registration No. 4729742 on 5-May-2015, Registration No. 4771636 on 14-Jul-2015, Registration No. 4829684 on 13-Oct-2015, Registration No. 5283355 on 12-Sep-2017, Registration No. 5332296 on 14-Nov-2017, Registration No. 5263161 on 15-Aug-2017, Registration No. 5337762 on 21-Nov-2017, via IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014 and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014).
- European Union: Registered by the European Union Intellectual Property Office (Registration No. 017890307 on 18-Apr-2018, via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Afghanistan: Registered by the Trademark Registration Office of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (Registration No. 14870 on 8-Jan-2014).
- Argentina: Registered by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in the Argentine Republic (Registration No. 2690422 on 10-Nov-2014).
- Albania: Registered by the Directorate of Patents and Marks in the Republic of Albania (Registration No. 15429 on 10-Jun-2014 ).
- Algeria: Registered by the Institute of the Intellectual Property (INAPI) of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria (Registration No. 92080 on 16-Mar-2016).
- Andorra: Registered by the Trademarks Office of the Principality of Andorra (Registration No. 33124 on 10-Apr-2014).
- Anguilla: Registered by the Registry of Trademarks and Patents in Anguilla (Registration No. 5597 on 2-May-2014).
- Armenia: Registered by the Intellectual Property Agency of the Republic of Armenia (Registration No. 21061 on 1-Mar-2014, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014 and IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Aruba: Registered by the Bureau for Intellectual Property Office (Registration No. 31668 on 14-Feb-2014).
- Austria: Registered by the The Patent Office of the Republic of Austria (Registration No. 275811 on 25-Nov-2013, and via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Australia: Registered by the Department of Industry, IP of the Commonwealth of Australia (Registration No. 1510720 on 28-Aug-2012, Registration No. 1585719 on 14-Oct-2013 and Registration No. 1621181 on 09-May-2016).
- Azerbaijan: Registered by the State Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Patent of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Registration No. 2014 0003 on 8-Jan-2014 and Registration No. 2015 0042 on 9-Jan-2015).
- Bahrain: Registered by the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism of the Kingdom of Bahrain (Registration No. 100299 and 100300 on 28-Dec-2016).
- Belarus: Registered by the National Center of Intellectual Property (NCIP) in the Republic of Belarus (Registration No. 54954 on 6-Jul-2015, Registration No. 54970 on 7-Jul-2015, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Belize: Registered by the Belize Intellectual Property Office (BELIPO) (Registration No. BZ No. 12567.16 on 13-Feb-2017).
- Benelux: Registered by the Office for Intellectual Property of Benelux Union (via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Bhutan: Registered by the Intellectual Property Division, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan (Registration No. BT/T/2013/8195 on 29-Oct-2014, and via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Bolivia: Registered by the Servicio Nacional de Propiedad Intelectual (SENAPI) of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (Registration No. 149321-C on 31-Jan-2014, Registration No. 152651-Con 16-Jun-2014 and Registration No. 152652-C on 16-Jun-2014).
- Bosnia and Herzegovina: Registered by the Institute for Intellectual Property of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Registration No. BAZ 1317441 on 25-Aug-2015, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Botswana: Registered by the Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property in the Republic of Botswana (Registration No. BW/M/2013/00892 on 8-Jul-2015).
- Brazil: Registered by the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) in Brazil (Registration No. 906894417 on 07-Aug-2018).
- Bulgaria: Registered by the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria (Registration No. 89652 on 14-Oct-14, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014).
- Burundi: Registered by the Trademark Office of the Republic of Burundi (Registration No. 6795/BI on 23-Oct-2013).
- Cambodia: Registered by the Department of Intellectual Property Rights of the Ministry of Commerce of the Kingdom of Cambodia (Registration No. KH/2014/52168 on 23-Jun-2014).
- Canada: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) of Canada (Registration No. TMA899367 on 23-Mar-2015 and Registration No. TMA993527 on 3-Apr-2018).
- Chile: Registered by the Instituto Nacional de Propiedad Industrial (INAPI) in the Republic of Chile (Registration No. 1143036 on 27-Nov-2014 and Registration No. 1146167 on 17-Dec-2014).
- China: Registered by the Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China (Registration No. 12870374 on 7-Apr-2016, Registration No. 13409410 on 14-Dec-2015, and via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Colombia: Registered by the Industria y Comercio Superintendencia of the Republic of Colombia (Registration No. 486934 on 7-Feb-2014, Registration Nos. 534670 and 534669 on 29-Apr-2016, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014).
- Costa Rica: Registered by the Register of Industrial Property in the Republic of Costa Rica (Registration No. 238577 on 15-Apr-2016).
- Croatia: Registered by the State Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Croatia (SIPO) (via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Curacao: Registered by the Bureau of Intellectual Property of Curacao (Registration No. 16812 on 19-May-2014, and via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Cyprus: Registered by the Department of Registrar of Companies and Official Receiver Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism in the Republic of Cyprus (Registration No. 81844 on 20-May-2014, and via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Denmark: Registered by the Patent and Trademark Office in the Kingdom of Denmark (Registration No. VR 2017 01446 on 7-Jul-2017 and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014).
- Dominica: Registered by the Companies and Intellectual Property Office (Registration No. 224/2013 on 25-April-2014).
- Dominican Republic: Registered by the National Copyright Office (ONDA) Ministry of Culture (Registration No. 230851 on 31-May-2016).
- Ecuador: Registered by the Ecuadorian Institute of Intellectual Property (IEPI) in the Republic of Ecuador (Registration Nos. 4569 -14 and 4570-14 on 18-Aug-2014).
- El Salvador: Registered by the National Center of Registries (CNR) in the Republic of El Salvador (Registration No. 56367 on 10-Feb-2015).
- Estonia: Registered by the Patent Office of the Republic of Estonia (via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Fiji: Registered by the Office of the Attorney-General, Ministry of Justice in the Republic of Fiji (Registration No. 36/2014 on 23-Jan-2014).
- France: Registered by the National Institute of Industrial Property (I.N.P.I). of the French Republic (via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Gambia: Registered by the Registrar General Office of the Republic of Gambia (Registration No. GM/M/2014/00229 on 23-Feb-2015).
- Georgia: Registered by the National Intellectual Property Center (Sakpatenti) of Georgia (Registration No. 25508 on 12-Dec-2014, Registration No. 25614 on 23-Jul-2013, and via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Germany: Registered by the Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt (DPMA) in the Federal Republic of Germany (Registration No. 302013056339 on 20-Nov-2014, Registration No. 302014028249 on 26-Nov-2015, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Ghana: Registered by the Copyright Department Ministry of Justice (Registration No. 45794 on 19-Jan-2017 and via IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Greece: Registered by the Hellenic Copyright Organization Ministry of Culture of Greece (via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Guatemala: Registered by the Registry of Intellectual Property of the Republic of Guatemala (Registration No. 205890 on 22-Apr-2015).
- Haiti: Registered by the Industrial Property Service of the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the Republic of Haiti (Registration No. 259 Reg. 197 and 260 Reg. 197 on 28-May-2015).
- Hong Kong: Registered by the Intellectual Property Department of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (Registration No. 301783215 on 8-Dec-2010, Registration No. 302760895 on 18-Jul-2016 and Registration No. 302774151 on 18-Jul-2016 and Registration No. 302720204 on 29-Aug-2013).
- Honduras: Registered by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DIGEPIH) of the Republic of Honduras (Registration No. 20672 on 4-Dec-2014 and Registration No. 20676 on 8-Dec-2014).
- Hungary: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office in Hungary (via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Iceland: Registered by the Icelandic Patent Office in the Republic of lceland (Registration No. 1049/2013 on 2-Dec-2013, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014 and IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- India: Registered by the Office of the Controller-General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks Department of Industrial Policy Promotions in the Republic of India (Registration No. 2556268 on 18-Jul-2017).
- Iran: Registered by the Industrial Property General Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran (Registration No. 281954 on 24-Sep-2017).
- Italy: Registered by the Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico (UIBM) in Italian Republic (Registration No. 0001614021 on 12-Nov-2014, and via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Israel: Registered by the Patent Office of the State of Israel (Registration No. 268096 on 2-Dec-2015, Registration No. 264868 on 2-Dec-2015 and Registration No. 268522 on 2-Dec-2015).
- Jamaica: Registered by the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office: (JIPO) (Registration no. 63587 on 4-Aug-2014).
- Japan: Registered by the Patent Office of Japan (Registration No. 5638703 on 28-Mar-2014, Registration No. 5661805 on 4-Apr-2014, Registration No. 5702895 on 19-Sept-2014 and IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014).
- Jordan: Registered by the Industrial Property Protection Directorate, Ministry of Industry and Trade in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (Registration Nos. 131907 and 131908 on 15-Jul-2014).
- Kazakhstan: Registered by the Committee for Intellectual Property Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Registration No. 46544 on 16-Dec-2014, Registration No. 47068 on 18-Feb-2015, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014 and IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Kenya: Registered by the Kenya Industrial Property Institute in Kenya (via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Kyrgyzstan: Registered by the State Service of Intellectual Property and Innovation under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (Registration No. 12832 on 30-Oct-2014).
- Kuwait: Registered by the Ministry of Trade and Industry Trademarks and Patents Department of State of Kuwait (Registration No. 148909 on 28-Sep-2017).
- Laos: Registered by the Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Science and Technology in the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Registration Nos. 30324 and 30325 on 5-Dec-2014).
- Latvia: Registered by the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia (Registration Nos. M 69 924 and M 69 966 on 20-Jul-2016, Registration No. M 68 348 on 20-Feb-2015, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Lebanon: Registered by the Office of the Intellectual Property of the Lebanese Republic (Registration No. 153732 on 25-Oct-2013).
- Liberia: Registered by the Liberia Industrial Property Office of the Republic of Liberia (Registration No. LR/M/2013/00192 on 1-Nov-2013).
- Liechtenstein: Registered by the Bureau of Intellectual Property Office of Economic Affairs in the Principality of Liechtenstein (Registration No. 16823 on 24-Oct-2013, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014, IR No. 1210219 on 10 Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Lithuania: Registered by the State Patent Bureau of the Republic of Lithuania (via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Macao: Registered by the Macao Economic Services - Intellectual Property Department in Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (Registration Nos. N79921 and N7992 on 13-May-2014, and Registration Nos. N 77171 and N 77170 on 13-May-2014).
- Macedonia: Registered by the State Office of Industrial Property (SOIP) of the Republic of Macedonia (Registration No. 21762 on 8-Jun-2015).
- Madagascar: Registered by the Malagasy Office of Industrial Property (OMAPI) in the Republic of Madagascar (Registration No. 014939 on 18-Jun-2014, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Malaysia: Registered by the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (Registration Nos. 2013060699 and 2013060700 on 25-Apr-2013).
- Mauritius: Registered by the Industrial Property Office (IPO) Regional Integration and International Trade Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Republic of Mauritius (Registration No. 15759/2014 on 4-Feb-2014).
- Mexico: Registered by the Institute of Industrial Property of the United Mexican States (Registration No. 1569282 on 4-Sep-2015, Registration No. 1563024 on 13-Aug-2015, Registration No. 1660358 on 29-Jul-2016, Registration Nos. 1534699 and 1534700 on 30-Apr-2015 and Registration No. 1887817 on 25-May-2018).
- Monaco: Registered by the Intellectual Property Division in the Principality of Monaco (Registration No. 13.30023 on 28-Aug-13, Registration No. 14.30158 on 16-Jan-2014, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014, IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Mongolia: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of Mongolia (IPOM) (Registration No. 12468 on 30-Jun-2014, Registration No. 13397 on 8-Aug-2013 and Registration No. 12204 on 8-Aug-2013).
- Montenegro: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of Montenegro (Registration No. 12236 on 9-Apr-2015, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014, IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Morocco: Registered by the Industrial and Commercial Property Office of the Kingdom of Morocco (Registration No. 155276 on 14-Jan-2015, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Myanmar: Registered by The Department of Technical and Vocational Education of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (Registration No. 4/12757/2013 on 8-Nov-2013).
- New Zealand: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand (IPONZ) (Registration No. 986289 on 17-Apr-2014, Registration No. 1011984 on 30-Mar-2016, Registration No. 1016305 on 23-Mar-2015, Registration No. 997144 on 1-Sep-2015, Registration No. 1005908 on 3-Feb-2015, Registration No. 1004653 on 6-Jan-2016 and Registration No. 1002071 on 11-Dec-2014).
- Nicaragua: Registered by the Intellectual Property Registry (RPI) Ministry of Development, Industry and Trade (MIFIC) in the Republic of Nicaragua (Registration No. 2014107282 LM on 28-Oct-2014 and Registration No. 2015111053 LM on 17-Sep-2015).
- North Korea: Registered by the Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications Office of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Registration No. 61831 on 17-Apr. 2014, and via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Norway: Registered by the Patenstyret, the Norwegian Industrial Property Office (Registration No. 275254 on 28-Mar-2014, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014).
- Oman: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of the Sultanate of Oman (Registration No. 83515 on 4-Nov-2015 and Registration No. 83516 on 25-Aug-2014).
- Panama: Registered by the Panama Industrial Property Office of the Republic of Panama (Registration No. 227095 01 on 26-Jun-2014).
- Papua New Guinea: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of Papua New Guinea (IPOPNG) (Registration Nos. A72002 and A72003 on 23-Oct-2013).
- Paraguay: Registered by the National Directorate of Intellectual Property (Registration No. 446595 on 19-Sep-2017 and Registration No. 447493 on 29-Sep-2017).
- Peru: Registered by the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Industrial Property (INDECOPI) in the Republic of Peru (Registration Nos. 00082685 and 00081294 on 10-Jul-2014).
- Philippines: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of the Philippines (IPOPHIL) (Registration No. 4/2013/00503030 on 18-Aug-2016, Registration No. 4/2013/00007810 on 7-Jul-2016, via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014 and via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Portugal: Registered by the Bureau for Cultural Strategy, Planning and Assessment (GEPAC) in Portugal (via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Qatar: Registered by the Patents and Integrated Circuits, Intellectual Property Department of the State of Qatar (Registration Nos. 84670 and 84671 on 12-Nov-2015).
- Romania: Registered by the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of Romania (via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014, IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014).
- Russia: Registered by the Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT) of the Russian Federation (Registration No. 547389 on 6-Jul-2015, Registration No. 631061 on 22-Sep-2017, via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014, IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014, IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014 and IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Saint Lucia: Registered by the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property of Saint Lucia (Registration No. TM/2014/000372 on 21-Oct-2014).
- San Marino: Registered by the State Office for Patents and Trademarks of the Republic of San Marino Registration No. SM-M-201300133 on 15-Jan-2015, and via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Saudi Arabia: Registered by the Trademarks Registration Department of the Ministry of Commerce in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Registration Nos. 1434000593 and 1434000594 on 25-Mar-2013).
- Serbia: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office in the Republic of Serbia (Registration No. 67832 on 17-Jul-2014, and via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Seychelles: Registered by the Registration Division of the Department of Legal Affairs in the Republic of Seychelles (Registration Nos. 11604 and 11605 on 26-Jan-2016).
- Singapore: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (Registration No. T1310061E on 16-Jan-2014, Registration No. T1316380C on 10-Oct-2013, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Sint Maarten: Registered by Bureau for Intellectual Property Sint Maarten (via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Slovenia: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economy (SIPO) in the Republic of Slovenia (Registration No. Z-201371264 on 19-Aug-2014, and via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Slovakia: Registered by the Media, Audiovisual and Copyright Department, Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic (via IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Spain: Registered by the Patent and Trademark Office of the Kingdom of Spain (Registration No. M3082978 on 11-Nov-2013).
- South Africa: Registered by the Department of Trade and Industry, Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) of the Republic of South Africa (Registration No. 2013/21761 on 30-Jan-2015 and Registration No. 2013/29389 on 26-Mar-2018).
- South Korea: Registered by The Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Korea (Registration No. 41-0296378 on 12-Aug-2014, Registration No. 41-0321845 on 13-May-2015, and via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014).
- Suriname: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Suriname (Registration No. 25333 on 11-Sep-2017).
- Switzerland: Registered by the Federal Institute of Intellectual Property of the Swiss Confederation (Registration No. 646486 on 11-Jul-2013, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014 and IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Syria: Registered by the Directorate of Commercial and Industrial Property Protection (DCIP) in the Syrian Arab Republic (Registration No. 129855 on 27-Apr-2015 and Registration No. 129780 on 16-Apr-2015).
- Taiwan: Registered by the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs in Taiwan, Republic of China (Registration No. 102057389 on 1-Jul-2014 and Registration No. 102032413 on 16-Jan-2015).
- Tajikistan: Registered by the IP Office of the Republic of Tajikistan (Registration No. 11564 on 1-Jun-2015, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014).
- Tanzania: Registered by The Copyright Society of Tanzania (COSOTA) (Registration Nos. TZ/S/2013/000622 and TZ/S/2013/000623 on 31-Oct-2014).
- Thailand: Registered by the Department of Intellectual Property of the Kingdom of Thailand (Trademark No. 902439 on 26-Jul-2013).
- Tunisia: National Institute for Standardization and Industrial Property (INNORPI) in the Tunisian Republic (Registration No. TN/E/2013/1792 on 9-Sep-2014).
- Turkey: Registered by the Patent Institute of the Republic of Turkey (Registration No. 2014/83133 on 14-Sep-2015, Registration No. 2014/75798 on 9-Feb-2016, Registration No. 2014/65603 on 17-Sep-2014, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014).
- Turkmenistan: Registered by the State Service on Intellectual Property under the Ministry of Economy and Development of Turkmenistan (Registration No. 13790 on 7-Sep-2016, and via IR No. 1215274 on 6-May-2014, IR No. 1212127 on 21-May-2014 and IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014).
- Uganda: Registered by the Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs in the Republic of Uganda (Registration Nos. 48470 and 48471 on 02-Sep-2015).
- Ukraine: Registered by the State Intellectual Property Service of Ukraine (SIPS) (Registration no. 195269 on 12-Jan-2015, and via IR No. 1201208 on 12-Feb-2014, IR No. 1216663 on 5-May-2014 and IR No. 1086746 on 20-Jul-2011).
- United Kingdom: Intellectual Property Office of United Kingdom (Registration No. 3039304 on 27-Jun-2014, Registration No. 3041430 on 16-May-2014, Registration No. 3039362 on 4-Jul-2014, Registration No. UK00003056399 on 14-Nov-2014, Registration No. UK00003041430 on 16-May-2014, Registration No. UK00003056396 on 14-Nov-2014, Registration No. UK00003057045 on 14-Nov-2014 and Registration No. UK00003042206 on 25-Jul-2014).
- United Arab Emirates: Registered by the Ministry of Economy Commercial Registration Department of United Arab Emirates (Registration No. 199113 on 28-Oct-2014, Registration No. 199708 and 199709 on 3-May-2017).
- Uruguay: Registered by the National Directorate of Industrial Property of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay (Registration No. 449680 on 22-Jan-2015).
- Uzbekistan: Registered by the Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Registration No. MGU 26831 on 14-Nov-2014).
- Vietnam: Registered by the National Office of Intellectual Property (NOIP) of Vietnam (via IR No. 1210219 on 10-Jun-2014).
- Zanzibar: Registered by the Registry of Patent and Trademark of Zanzibar (Registration No. ZN/S/2013/369 on 20-Dec-2013).
Our Trademarks registered through the Organisation Africaine de la Propriété Intellectuelle (OAPI) are covering the following member countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroun, Centrafrique, Comoros, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Equatoriale, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sénégal, Chad and Togo, on January 31, 2014 with Registration No. 76066 and on August 30, 2015 with Registration No 77311.
Our Trademarks registered through the African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO) are covering the following member countries: Botswana, Liberia, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe on February 27, 2015 with Registration No. AP/M/2013/001771 and on June 30, 2015 with Registration No. AP/M/2013/001856.
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